Qualified. Reliable. Cost-Effective Solutions.
We will support you by navigating the complex laws and regulations that govern cultural resources to ensure your project is completed in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws.
- California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) Records Search
- Sacred Lands File Search
- Archival Research
- Literature Review
- Native American Consultation Support
- Survey
- Built Environment Survey
- Monitoring
- Native American Scheduling and Coordination
- Artifact Collection
- Artifact/Feature Recording
- Sampling
- Stratigraphy Profiles
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Artifact Identification
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Lithics Analysis
- Ceramics Analysis
- Osteology
- GIS Mapping
- CEQA/NEPA/Section 106 Compliance
- Mitigation Plans
- Treatment Plans
- Management Plans
- Context Statements
- Phase I Cultural Resources Inventory
- Phase II Archaeological Testing
- Phase III Data Recovery/Excavation
- Programmatic Agreement (PA)
- Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
- Peer Review
- Caltrans Deliverables (HPSR, ASR, HRER)
- Finding of Effect (FOE)
- Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP)

What are Cultural Resources?
Cultural resources are not specifically defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) but include archaeological resources as well as districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects. Native American cultural resources and sacred places are also considered cultural resources. Generally, cultural resources includes all aspects of the “human environment” and agencies must consider the affect their project has on this environment.
What We Do
Our professional archaeologists quickly evaluate the significance of artifacts and features if they are identified during survey or monitoring to avoid costly schedule delays for our clients.
Cogstone’s architectural historian can identify historic buildings and evaluate them for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) and/or National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) to ensure built environment resources are properly mitigated for your project.
Our team of archaeologists has experience preparing historic context statements and research designs to support the evaluation of cultural resources for listing in the CRHR and/or NRHP.