Respectful. Committed. Collaborative.

Our team guides repatriation policy and strategic planning. We facilitate consultation, repatriation, and reburials.


A simple, white icon of a piece of paper with writing on it.


  • Policy Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Preparation of Summaries and Inventories
  • Preparation of Notices
  • Grant Writing
  • Trainings and Workshops
A simple, white icon of a checklist.


  • Consultation Letters
  • Consultation Meetings, Planning, and Facilitation
  • Design Customized Tracking Databases
A simple, white icon of a magnifying glass.


  • Collections Management
  • Curation
  • Identification of Ancestral Remains
A simple, white icon of a three-dimensional pie chart.

Collaborative Review

  • Provenience and Provenance
  • Archives and Ethnohistoric Findings

What are NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA?

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) requires federal agencies, museums, and repositories to identify and repatriate ancestral remains and NAGPRA cultural items to lineal descendants, Native American Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. Similarly, California NAGPRA (CalNAGPRA) requires repatriation of ancestral remains and CalNAGPRA cultural items to California Tribes.

What We Do

We strongly believe that ancestral remains and cultural items should be treated with the utmost care and respect following Tribal cultural protocols. Compliance with NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA can be a frustrating, emotionally draining, and complex process for everyone involved.

Cogstone offers a suite of services to help navigate the process from beginning to end. Using our hands-on technical experience as museum professionals, Tribal community members, and acknowledged state and national experts; our team can guide the creation or review of policies, processes, and plans; assist in the inventory of collections; identify and catalog ancestral remains; facilitate consultation; develop and submit compliance documents; aid in the transfer of repatriated items; and support reburial.

Cogstone staff will gather and organize available collection provenience and provenance information to facilitate cultural affiliation and the identification of funerary items.



A simple, white icon of a woolly mammoth.


We provide compliance for paleontological resources under CEQA and/or NEPA.

A simple, white icon of a trowel.

Cultural Resources

We provide compliance for cultural resources under CEQA, NEPA, and/or Section 106 of the NHPA.

A simple, white icon of a magnifying glass and a ruler.

Collections Management

We support all aspects of collections management to ensure paleontological and cultural resources materials and associated records are properly preserved so they are accessible for future research.